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Лодочный мотор Honda BF10 DK2 SHU made in Japan 222cm3

42kg -5%
Лодочный мотор Honda BF10 DK2 SHU made in Japan 222cm3, фото 2
Лодочный мотор Honda BF10 DK2 SHU made in Japan 222cm3, фото 2
Лодочный мотор Honda BF10 DK2 SHU made in Japan 222cm3, фото 2
Лодочный мотор Honda BF10 DK2 SHU made in Japan 222cm3, фото 3
Информация для заказа

Honda BF10 модель с генератором и выходом на 12в.


Технические характеристики: HONDA BF10 DK2 SHU  модель 2019 года.

Мощность (л.с.) 10
Тактность четырёхтактный
Рабочий объём (куб. см) 222
Количество цилиндров 2
Максимальное число оборотов в минуту 5000-6000
Диаметр/ход поршня (мм) 58 x 42
Смазка Мокрый картер
Емкость топливного бака 12 л., выносной
Система управления румпель
Тип запуска ручной
Охлаждение Водяное
Переключение передач Вперед-Нейтраль-Назад
Зажигание электронное PGM-IG
Система генератора 6A
Объем моторного масла 1300 мл
Объём масла в редукторе 285 мл
Гребной винт 4-х лопастной
Вес (кг) 42 кг
Производитель: Япония


Reliable, efficient 4-stroke design

Reliable, efficient 4-stroke design

World-renowned Honda quality combines proven reliability and superior fuel efficiency, with no oil mixing.

Easy One Hand Starting

Easy One Hand Starting

The digital CDI ignition retards the spark to top-dead-center during start up to greatly reduce effort required to pull-start the engine by hand.

True 5 Warranty

True 5 Warranty

Honda's True 5 Warranty is the best in the business. This transferable, non-declining warranty is the same on the first day as it is on the last.

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Ultra Low 3 Star CARB Emissions

Ultra Low 3 Star CARB Emissions

Environmentally conscious technology. All Honda Marine engines exceed the highest CARB 3-Star rating to meet the rigorous California Air Resource Board's standards.

4-Front Corrosion Protection System - Fights the elements

4-Front Corrosion Protection System - Fights the elements

A patented, "Double Sealed" multi-layered paint process. Sacrificial anodes and stainless steel technology, along with waterproof connectors, all enhance corrosion protection.

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Available with Power Thrust Design (BFP) - better performance for heavy loads

Available with Power Thrust Design (BFP) - better performance for heavy loads

The combination of the 2.33:1 gear ratio and the 10" x 6 1/2" Power Thrust 4-blade propeller creates 60% more thrust in reverse and 15% more in forward. The result is improved maneuverability and performance.

Reverse Exhaust Relief - increased manueverability (BFP models)

Reverse Exhaust Relief - increased manueverability (BFP models)

The Power Thrust model's exhaust relief feature creates more power in reverse by minimizing cavitation around the propeller blades. The exhaust relief is located above the cavitation plate, allowing the prop to run in clean, exhaust-free water.

Longer Tiller Handle - improved control

Longer Tiller Handle - improved control

A convenient longer tiller handle improves control and reduced steering effort. The extended handle is made of a lightweight composite, increasing its durability while decreasing the motor's weight.

Power Tilt

Power Tilt

Conveniently tilts the engine out of the water for easy lift-off and transport.


PGM Ignition - optimal operation

A reliable microprocessor accurately controls ignition timing during start-up and across the entire RPM range. This provides optimum overall operation.

Engine Alert System - Keeps you informed

Engine Alert System - Keeps you informed

The integrated warning system protects the engine from severe damage due to low oil, over-revving and overheating.

Best in Class High Output Charging

Best in Class High Output Charging

The BF8 and 9.9 provide 2 Amps at 1000 RPM and an amazing 12 amps at only 3000 RPM. Recoil start models produce 6 amps at 3000 RPM. This helps to maintain the battery charge or keep electronics going - even at trolling speeds.

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Lightweight Rounded Design

Lightweight Rounded Design

Easy to transport, BF8 and 9.9 are perfect for small boats, dinghies or auxiliary. The ergonomic design is rounded to avoid catching fishing line.

Auto Start Enrichment - easy starts

Auto Start Enrichment - easy starts

Auto Start Enrichment acts as an automatic choke. It automatically adjusts the air/fuel mixture for quick, easy starting and warm-up.

Pendulum Mount System - smooth operation

Pendulum Mount System - smooth operation

Honda's exclusive triangulated rubber mount system absorbs vibration and provides unbelievably smooth operation.

EZ Steer Friction Control

EZ Steer Friction Control

A unique lever design allows you to precisely adjust steering tension for improved control and comfort.

Shallow Water Drive

Shallow Water Drive

An innovative shallow water drive feature lets you tilt the motor up, allowing you to easily operate in shallow areas. Shallow water drive greatly reduces the risk of engine damage.

Up Front Tiller Controls - convenient shifting

Up Front Tiller Controls - convenient shifting

The convenient front-mounted shift lever allows fingertip shifting. The Twist Grip Throttle & Tensioner minimize driver fatigue.

Integrated Carrying Handle - easier transport

Integrated Carrying Handle - easier transport

A integrated carrying handle makes transporting the engine a breeze. The convenient, foldaway carry handle is situated at the exact top/bottom balance point of the engine. This means the engine carries more easily in a level position.

Positive Lubrication for better durability

Positive Lubrication for better durability

A crankshaft-driven, automotive-style trochoid oil pump ensures long-term durability of critical engine components.

Available in 15, 20, and 25 inch shaft models

Available in 15, 20, and 25 inch shaft models


Производитель Honda
Страна производительЯпония
Тип двигателя Бензиновый
Объем двигателя 222 куб. см
Мощность10 л. с.
Количество цилиндров 2
Тактность двигателя Четырёхтактный
Максимальное количество оборотов 6000 об/мин
Ход поршня 42 мм
Высота транца381 мм
Движение по мелководьюДа
Система запускаРучной запуск
Система впрыска топливаКарбюратор
Охлаждение двигателяЖидкостное
Система управленияРумпельная
Система смазкиМокрый поддон
Вес42 кг
Механизм подъемаРучной
Положения передачНазад, Вперед, Нейтраль
Объем топливного бака12 л
ИндикаторыДавления масла
Материал винтаАлюминий
Количество лопастей 4 шт.
Гарантийный срок 36 мес
Пользовательские характеристики
  • Цена: 14 600 руб.
Информация для покупателя

ЧТСУП "Аквамоторс"

РБ, 246008, г. Гомель ул. 30лет БССР, 1/100

Дата регистрации в Торговом реестре/Реестре бытовых услуг: 05.02.2015

Номер в Торговом реестре/Реестре бытовых услуг: 266419, Республика Беларусь

УНП: 491059832

Регистрационный орган: Гомельский городской исполнительный комитет

Дата регистрации компании: 22.07.2013

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